Senjata Api

museum sejarah jakarta


The barrel has an octagonal section from the barrel breech up to approximately one-third of the total length, and a circular section that ends in flared muzzle for the remaining two-third. The stock (barrel support) resembles the shape of a beavertail-type forend. Most components of the firing mechanism are missing, including the lock plate. Description in the KBG inventory: Short rifle (blunder-buss). Barrel of brass, mouth trumpet-shaped, chamber octagonal. Arranged for percussion caps. A butt plate of brass. Engraved scrolls on the chamber and butt plate, and on the chamber the mark DEANES, LONDON. Iron ramrod. Length 87 cm. Originally from Teuku Umar, Aceh. Legacy of Mr. J.W. van Dapperen.



Nomor inventarisasi :


Nomor Registrasi :


Tempat Pembuatan :


Status Cagar Budaya :


Klasifikasi :

Seni Rupa

Kondisi Koleksi :


Tanggal Registrasi:

29 Apr 2015

Cara Perolehan:




Nama Museum :

Museum Sejarah Jakarta

Nomor Pendaftaran Nasional Musuem:


Alamat Museum:

Jl. Taman Fatahillah No.1 Kel. Pinangsia, Kec. Tamansari, Kota Administrasi Jakarta Barat

